Friday, June 10, 2011

My Little Pine Nut

I am thinking: what should I write for my very first article? Of course, nothing is more worthy than this little fluffy stuffed animal of mine.

This is an old picture of my dog when he was young. At the time, we thought we should just love him for how God has created him. He is who he is. There was never a thought of trimming his hair. He walked by faith, not by sight. As you can see, he already reached his full size in this picture, never had a hair cut.

Then, one day, I saw pictures of Shih-Tzu beauty queens looking as fancy and fabulous as the following:

We started to search for his eyes with a pair of scissor. Then BANG! We saw the most beautiful pair of crystal eyes in all the universe. Along the way, we found a nose too. It looks like a prune.

From that to this, you must give credit to the hands that make miracles. woo-hoo!

When you live with someone for eight years, you can finally make some kinda of realization. According to my daily observation by looking into the soul of these eyes, I begin to wonder, maybe, maybe this thing is a human trapped in a dog's body, or a genetically mutated human. He thinks the same, because he lives in the household like no body owns him.

For other narcissistic dog owners like me, maybe we should all embrace the idea that our dog is beyond a dog. Yes, totally. In this context, I refuse to call him "HeiHei". This name is too "petty". From now on, I will refer him by his officially registered name --- Hense Xia.

Oh for sure, there are more stories of Hense in the future. Come back!

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